Water Purity Testing

Do You Know What’s in Your Water?

Did you know your tap water could be contaminated? Richard Bardou Home Services is now offering homes throughout Central Florida water quality testing services to assess the quality of your water. Our Inspection professionals are certified and qualified in water testing services.

The Safe Drinking Water Act mandates the EPA to strictly regulate the contaminates found in your community’s drinking water. To meet these water quality standards, chemicals like chlorine are added to your water supply. As part of the chlorination process, Trihalomethanes (THMs) are released to disinfect most public drinking water systems. The EPA does not allow public water systems to have more than 1/100 parts per billion of THMs in treated water. However, some municipal systems still have difficulty meeting this water quality standard, providing your home with unsafe drinking water.

Water-Quality Testing Services

Quality water is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both for drinking and for hygienic reasons. Many people don’t realize that your body actually absorbs more chlorine through your skin and through inhalation during a 10-minute shower than drinking 8 glasses of water in a day! Without your realizing it, your body is constantly exposed to chemicals that weren’t filtered out of your water. This is why it is so important to have your water quality tested regularly.